a road accident essay

The bus was running very speedily.The bus took a sudden jump from the ground. The driver applied breaks but the brakes failed. The bus struck the ground and the tie-rod was broken. The driver lost control over the steering, and the bus, crashed into a big tree.

A Road Accident

A few days ago I had to go to Lahore from Faisalabad. The bus started early in the morning, and we were on our way to Lahore. The bus was new and comfortable. There were only 25 passengers. The conductor of the bus expected to have more passengers on the way. All were gay and happy. The driver was in a good mood and was going a bit fast. Nobody knew what Lay for him next.

We had covered only a distance of 5 miles when we met an accident. The bus was running very speedily, when suddenly there came a steady slope in the road. The driver was not alert. The bus took a sudden jump from the ground. The driver applied breaks but the brakes failed. The bus struck the ground and the tie-rod was broken. The driver lost control over the steering, and the bus, crashed into a big tree. I was thrown out of my seat into the air, fell on the ground and was senseless.

A Road Accident Essay for students/paragraph writing a road accident /English Essay 300 words

When I came to my sense, I saw a horrible scene. I had lost one leg. Around me were lying the injured and the dead persons. The front part of the bus was missing. The big tree had fallen on the bus and many of the passengers were crushed to death. The limbs of the people lie scattered. A woman had been cut into two. There was blood and death everywhere. No cry, no moaning! Perhaps I was the only person in senses. But I could not keep up my senses any longer. I was again senseless. But what I had seen would haunt me forever.

When I open my eyes again, I found myself in the hospital. I learned that 10 passengers met there end at the spot; five died in the hospital. Ten were wounded badly, but they were out of danger. I was one of them

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