What is Computer?Definition,Categories,Advantages & Usage of Computer

Computer is the latest and biggest invention of the world.A computer performs billions of calculation in a fraction of a second.


computer is an electronic machine which processes raw data (input) into the meaningful information (output) also stores output for later use.

This is the age of machines and science. It has brought a revolution everywhere. Besides other wonderful inventions, Computer is the latest and biggest invention of the world.

What is Computer?Definition,Categories,Advantages & Usage of Computer

Computer Categories:

There are many categories of Computer. Like

1) Personal Computer,
2) Laptop/Notebook
3) Palmtop
4) Smartphone
5) Table Pc
6) PDA
7) Super Computer

Advantages of Computers

Computer has several advantages and benefits,


 A computer most important characteristic is speed. A computer performs billions of calculation in a fraction of a second.


Computer never makes mistake and almost 100% accurate.

 The students can make errors in the above example while solving it but a computer never does so.

Only when defective data or instructions are given Computer gives wrong results.

 A mighty effort

A computer is neither tired nor bored. When we write a letter 100 times we get tired. Computers can write a letter even a million times without tiring or boring.

 Storage Capacity

Computer has large storage capacity. If you want to store thousands of books, you have to require a large building but a computer can store thousands of books in its memory.

Multi Talented, Multi Skilled, Multi Purpose

Key benefit of using computer is Versatility. We can perform a variety of tasks with the computer like playing games, writing stories watching movies, drawing pictures etc.

 Usage of Computers

This machine helps us in our daily life. Computers are useful in every field, like the press, on the radio, television, in films, printing books. They are also used to forecast the weather, to operate machines, to cut steel to size, and even to guide a space craft to the moon. Computers help find criminals, they are used in airlines. Hotels use them from managerial facilities to kitchens; and companies use them for accounting and invoicing, etc.

At present, it is essential to bring an awareness of computers among the common people. In this way they could use computer in a proper way and take full advantage of this wonderful invention. It has made the future of the youth very bright.

No doubt Computer is a great blessing for people.

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