girl guide short essay in english/Movement for girls 1910

This Movement aims at making school-going girls aware of their responsibilities.


Like Scouts, which is the Movement for boysGirl Guides is the Movement for girls. It was started by Lord Badon Powell and his sister Lady Agnes in 1910.

girl guide short essay in english,Movement for girls 1910

Movement Aim

This Movement aims at making school-going girls aware of their responsibilities. Ten-year old girls can become Junior Guides. When they reach the age of twelve, they are called Girl Guides. At the time of becoming a Girl Guide, every girl takes an oath that she will serve her country and will do her work diligently.

A Girl Guide has to spend some time in a camp. She learns to stay clean and healthy. She also learns facts about civilization, courtesy and etiquettes. In camps, they are taught basic household skills like cooking, knitting, stitching, planning and maintenance. The Girl Guides Movement encourages the girl students to become useful citizens of their country and keep discipline in their lives.

This movement was extremely healthy and positive.

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