Hard work is the key to success essay,Short essay

 Nothing can be achieved without hard work.Man should work if he wants to prosper in life.

Hard work is the key to success

There is no doubt that hard work is the key to success. Nothing can be achieved without hard work or labor. Constant Vigilance and preparedness to work is the price to pay for a brilliant success in life. Man should work if he wants to prosper in life. If a man constantly works, he shines like Steel in use.

Hard work is the key to success essay

Work is worship

Hard work is essential for every man. Even a millionaire cannot pull on for long life, if he rolls in his bed all the day, long and even helped to his food. Work is worship, life is full of hurdles, and life is action. Activity is the law of nature, greatness and honor can be achieved only by great and hard labor.

GOD Gift for Everyone

Everyone have a capacity to work and earn more than his daily need, this capacity is given by GOD. Whoever is ready to use that capacity is sure to find work. No labor is mean for one, who wants to earn an honest penny. The only thing is the readiness to use the hands and feet that God has given if a man regularly exercises his physical and mental organs he enjoys sound health.


The famous American President Abraham Lincoln was born in a hut in the forest. He worked very hard and got brilliant success in his life. So we can say that greatness and success lie in hard work.

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