Wealth or beauty destroyed by time. But knowledge cannot be destroyed by time. It will last as mankind exists.
Our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) laid great stress on seeking knowledge. Knowledge strengthens our believe. Wealth has to be protected whereas knowledge protects the man. There is no doubt that knowledge is power, knowledge is Light (Noor).
Knowledge is not the same as learning, because all the knowledge gained from experience and observation is very much based on the learning we receive in school and college courses at all levels.
Is Knowledge a Gift or Possession/Property?
Knowledge is not a gift or possession of a particular class.
It may belong to the poorest, just as it may belong to the richest. No amount of wealth or influence can procure knowledge for any one. It is not a thing to be bought from the market. Wealth or beauty destroyed by time. But knowledge cannot be destroyed by time. It will last as mankind exists.
Modern Scientific inventions and discoveries, which have added so much to the civilization of the world, are nothing but the results of knowledge.
The inventions of the steam engine , the establishment of railways, The invention of electricity and its use, telephones, airplanes, and computers etc, which have contributed much to the world's wealth and power?
The outcome of knowledge! No wealth or physical strength could provide these things. The only knowledge has changed the face of the earth.
The Muslim scholars and writers made great contributions in all the subjects. Knowledge is a powerful light.