Essay on A Visit to a Museum

The pictures of Mughal heroes in the Indian wars interested me most. The portraits of the Turkish and Mughal emperors and their queens were also impressive. 

A Visit to a Museum

 Last year I happen to pay a visit to the Museum at Lahore. I arrived at the entrance at about 3:00 in the afternoon. I had an umbrella and a few books with me.It was not allowed to take anything inside. I left these things outside and entered the building. An advertisement near the gate caught my attention. It advised me not to touch anything with my hands or body.

The building consists of a big hall. There are rows of rooms on either side of it. A good collection of Punjabi arts and crafts is kept in the hall. On the walls,paintings are hung.The pictures of Mughal heroes in the Indian wars interested me most. The portraits of the Turkish and Mughal emperors and their queens were also impressive.

a visit to a museum essay in english

Kashmir shawls and walnut dishes and basket were wonderful. Pottery of Multan, toys of Muzaffargarh and wood works of Jampur were centre of my interest. Harappa carved door frames, old coins and boats gave me a glimpse of the ancient civilization of our country. Models of rural life, the Golden Temple, Jahangir's tomb and the Taj Mahal were masterpieces.

A Visit to a Museum

In the other rooms we saw war model, Buddha and Mahavira stone statues. There were also bears, tigers and snakes stuffed in large bottles. There was much more in the glass jars filled with spirit.

The museum is closed at 5 so I could walk in the building for 2 hours. However, in this short time, I got a lot of information and was very happy with what I saw.

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