A Boy Scout is always a well- balanced person and enjoys good physical and mental health. He keeps himself away from cheap pursuits.
The Boy Scouts Movement was started by Lord Badon Powell in 1908, with a view to make the boys all over the world, good citizens. Each scout has to take a bath to be loyal to his country and God. He keeps his noble promise under all circumstances. He never tells a lie. He is honest with everyone. He is friendly with all. He fulfills his duty to the God Almighty, to his country and, to the people in distress. He is also very particular about moral values.
Scouts Ranks
Scouts are of different ranks. There are Cubs, Rovers and King's Scouts. Each has its own badge. From time to time, Scout Rallies and Jamborees are held and Scouts, from all parts of the world, attend them. This produces a sense of fellowship and helps as a bridge on gulf that at present divides one nation from another.
Boy Scout Skills
A Boy Scout is always a well- balanced person and enjoys good physical and mental health. He keeps himself away from cheap pursuits. He learns useful skills, and has basic knowledge about trees, hills, rivers and stars. He can use a knife or an axe efficiently. He also knows how to tie various knots, cook food and pitch a tent.
Scouting is, indeed, a very useful movement in both peace and emergencies.