use of this that these those with pictures

 We use “THIS” to point out something Singular near to us,"THESE"  Plural near to us,“THAT”  Singular far from us and “THOSE” Plural far from us. 

use of this that these those with pictures



We use “THIS” to point out something Singular near to us .

  قریب کی ایک چیز ( واحد) کے لیے استعمال کرتے ہیں 

 This Examples:

This is my car.


This is my book.



We use “THESE” to point out something Plural near to us.

 قریب کی زیادہ چیزوں(جمع)  کے لئے استعمال کرتے ہیں-

These Examples:

These are my cars.

These are my books.

THAT Examples

 We use “THAT” to point out something Singular far from us.

  دور کی ایک چیز ( واحد) کے لیے استعمال کرتے ہیں 


That is my car.                                                              

That is my book.                                                               

THOSE Examples:

 We use “THOSE” to point out something Plural far from us.

 دورکی زیادہ چیزوں(جمع)  کے لئے استعمال کرتے ہیں-


Those are my cars.                                           

Those are my books.                                                       


This       Singular   Near   

That      Singular    Far                                                        

Examples  Of “THIS” and “THAT” 

This is my book.

That is my book.


These        Plural     Near 

Those       Plural      Far                                                       

Examples  Of “THESE” and “THOSE”

These are my books.

Those are my books.    


Negative,Interrogative Sentences in English  

This is my book.

This is not my book.

 Is this my book?

That is my book.

That is not my book.                                                        

 Is that my book?

These are my books.

These are not my books.

Are these my books?

Those are my books.                                           

Those are not my books.

Are those my books?

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