Happiness and success depends on our health.A certain amount of physical exercise in open air is essential for good health.
Health is Wealth
As you all know, there is a well known proverb, "Health is wealth", and no doubt health is the most precious thing for a man in this world. If you are healthy, you will enjoy all your happiness and success in life. Happiness and success depends on our health.
What are the laws of health?
The most important of them related to food, exercise, cleanliness and sleep. The food does the same to human body as fuel does to the fire. Similarly our bodies will waste away without proper amount and the proper kind of food. Too little food means under-nourishment, and too much food, means chronic indigestion and all kinds of disorders.
Exercise in Open Air
A certain amount of physical exercise in open air is essential for good health. As for body cleanliness, no one can keep healthy without it. Dirt and dust is the mother of diseases. The skin of entire body must be kept neat and clean by regular bathing.
Timely Sleeping
We must get a certain amount of sleep. Now a day, late night sleeping is very common this habit is very badly affecting our health. This is especially necessary for young people who are still growing. Keeping awake till late hours is bad for them. If you wake up early in the morning, pray GOD, exercise, it is 100% sure that you will be able to perform all your jobs happily, effectively and wisely.